IK4-IDEKO is an industry driven Spanish Tecnological Centre, specialised in machine tools with the aim to promote technological innovation of its customers. It is part of DANOBAT Group machine tool builder and Mondragon Corporación Cooperativa (MCC) industrial group. Founded in 1986, with near 100 highly qualified engineers with proven experience in the sector, IK4-IDEKO has the skills to understand, assimilate and develop new technological solutions, with a clear orientation towards the development of new products and the improvement of production processes.
Website www.ideko.es
Role in the COROMA Project
IDEKO will be the project coordinator, certified by the wide experience as participant and coordinator in international research and development projects related to manufacturing industry such as SMARTOOL, CHAMELEON, DYNXPERTS, HIPPOCAMP or MC-SUITE. During the last 20 years IDEKO has participated in more than 50 European collaboration projects, coordinating 18 of them.
IDEKO will obviously lead “WP9 Management” work package and in order to guarantee the successful implementation of the project results in the industrial use-cases and in order to have a transversal view on all the applications of the COROMA solution it will led WP6 “Industrial demonstrations”.
IDEKO will be in charge of developing the COROMA central controller and will lead the COROMA modules integration task. These two tasks are very relevant for a successful integration of all the COROMA components into a single platform. IDEKO will lead the Non-Destructive-Test optimization and the development of this specific operation in COROMA.
Location details
Arriaga kalea 2
E-20870 Elgoibar – Spain
Phone +34 943 748 000
Twitter @IK4_IDEKO
Website www.ideko.es
Arriaga kalea 2
E-20870 Elgoibar – Spain
Phone +34 943 748 000
Twitter @IK4_IDEKO
Website www.ideko.es