This project is funded by the European Union under the Horizon 2020 Programme under grant agreement no. 723853.     


KTH Royal Institute of Technology is the largest technical university in Sweden which operates through ten schools and large number of departments within the schools, with 13000 undergraduates and 1700 postgraduates. The department of Production Engineering operated under the school of Industrial Engineering and Management is the home of three active research divisions focusing on different aspects of manufacturing. Sustainable Production Systems is one of the three divisions, participating in this project. The research division has more than 15 years of experience in multi-national research projects. Over years, it has developed and acquired various R&D tools that are instrumental to monitoring, planning, simulation and control for balancing environmental aspects such as energy efficiency in manufacturing against production costs and delivery reliability. The division has also developed state-of-the-art information sharing platform for online real-time monitoring, off-site machining, web-based remote assembly, tracking and diagnosis of manufacturing resources.

Role in the COROMA Project

Due to the proven experience in security and programing fields, KTH will lead the WP3, where the objective is to develop different software tools to ensure an easy, smart and safety interaction between humans, robots and machines. This includes human safety related activities for reactive collision avoidance and the development of minimum effort required programming by function blocks and voice and hand signals. Based on the experience of KTH in production engineering, they will lead the robot characterization and compensation task, where the best path that compensates the stiffening limitations and fulfils the process requirement will be calculated in conjunction with the automatic robot path programming tool.

Location details

KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Brinellvägen 8
114 28 Stockholm, Swedeny
Phone +46 8 790 60 00

KTH, Royal Institute of Technology