COROMA project consortium considers standardization as an important and relevant topic for the success of the project knowledge tranference from research stage into practice.
As the projects partners perceive standardization as an important tool to ensure the developed products are safe and reliable, have proposed a Workshop Agreement with CEN European Commitee for Standardization about “Articulated industrial robots – elastostatic compliance calibration”which is intended to provide an international mutual understanding of robotic compliance among customers, developers, manufacturers and researchers. The essence of this work is to describe one best practice elastostatic compliance calibration for articulated industrial robots; using an enhanced stiffness formulation for the robot model, a pragmatic measurement approach inspired by the application and an identification of the model parameters based on position data.
The kick-off meeting will be held on 30th October 2018 in Santander (Spain) with the participation of all partners.
All interested parties are welcome to register for participation and submit comments on the draft Project Plan by 26 October 2018 using the Commenting form. Please send your comments to the Workshop Secretary,
You can download the documents below:
- Draft Project Plan (pdf format)
- Draft kick-off meeting Agenda (pdf format)
- Commenting form (word format)
COROMA project funded under H2020 aims to develop a cognitively enhanced robot that can execute multiple tasks for the manufacturing of metal and composite parts. COROMA will therefore help to provide the flexibility that European metalworking and advanced material manufacturing companies require competing in the rapidly evolving global market.