In the scope of this robotic project, which aim is to develop Cognitively improved robots for the flexible manufacture of metal and composite material parts, Work Package leaders have met in the “IUT of Nantes”, to review the work progress until month 15th of the project schedule.
One of the most interesting meetings of the project so far, more than one year of COROMA has allowed to enjoy some practical demonstrations, and the near completion of some functional-modules, facing an approaching integration phase. Even in this reduced meetings, the number of participants is always high: the proximity of results is always an incentive to meet.
A didactic presentation by the University of Padova has made us appreciate the challenge of the scene understanding applied to our use-cases, while the University of Nantes has shown several demonstrations, among which an initial set-up stood out: a Stäubli robot on a BA-Systèmes AGV sanding in real-time a Beneteau boat-die. That was a good collaborative approach towards a completely automated application.
The exploitation plan is also in a significant point, after the definition of 5 promising technologies candidates for commercial exploitation, together with the 3 industrial use cases. The next step will be the prioritization of these technologies to undertake the detailed business cases.
On the other hand, COROMA has now enough interesting material to communicate, and it is time to share our progress with the scientific community. Some papers have been sent to congresses and scientific magazines, and the consortium is starting to prepare a webinar to take place before next summer… stay tuned to your TV sets