The 10th of October 2017, COROMA consortium met in SORALUCE, one of the largest machine tool and production system manufacturers in Europe (that has over 50 years’ experience in supplying high precision equipment and innovative solutions to many industry sectors), for the twelve month General Meeting.
Work-Packages leaders, with the support of the partners involved in their development, presented the state of the work done so far, and the planning of the upcoming tasks. According to the project coordinator Javier Hernández, from IK4-IDEKO Research Centre, the aim of the meeting was to review, after a one-year course, the progress made to reach the innovations foreseen in the project. Feedback from the Independent Advisory Board was also shared with the consortium in order to improve the technical and exploitation approach to the different tasks. After a well-done period of research and development, COROMA has 2 years in front of it to turn it into the visible applications that we will show in this website.
Attendants to the meeting had the opportunity to visit SORALUCE’ facilities at Spain.